A traveling animation of grandiose scenic impact.

With Pietro Rasoti and Miriam Calautti
Conceived and created by Miriam Calautti and Pietro Rasoti
Sound design by Tiziano Fantappiè
Produced and distributed by
Terzostudio Projects for Entertainment

The giant Chromosaur is wandering around the crowd!

The Chromosaur is a erce, charming creature: 5 metres tall and 7 metres long from head to tail. Vibrantly colourful fabrics cover the dinosaur’s entire skeleton. Its mysterious keeper leads its way, enfolding their steps with suggestive smoke. The Chromosaur lives thanks to the actor, who uses a complex weight and counterweight system to steer it. The creature’s movements are so owing and its steps so natural that it seems to take on a life of its own. A powerful shaman leads the way and mediates the creature’s connection to the audience.

A daydream that
you’ll never forget!

The show combines many artistic languages and creates a new type of itinerant gure theatre on stilts.

The design and creation of the Chromosaur required a lot of meticulous work, due to the complexity of this giant machinery, whose appearance resembles the Mexican Alebrije, fantastic creatures painted in colours.